Friday, April 27, 2012

The EPA Attitude

 "Nothing is so embarrassing as watching someone do something that you said could not be done." (Sam Ewing)

So the EPA likes to take the approach that the Romans took when they conquered little villages in the Mediterranean...

Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe released a video of a speech by Al Armendariz, Regional Administrator of the EPA, this week. The speech basically took the position that the agency's "general philosophy" is to "crucify" oil and gas producers. Senator Inhofe released the video as part his investigation into the EPA's "now-discredited" claims of water contamination due to hydraulic fracturing, including in Parker County, Texas.

I wonder if Mr. Armendariz drives a car. If he does, would gas at $5 per gallon or $8 per gallon be something that would cause him outrage? Who would he "crucify" then?  


  1. James Inhofe also attributes this one guy's somewhat rabid (and stupid) comments to Obama's energy policy.

    Fact: We have more domestic oil production today than at any point in the Bush presidency. Fact: We have more national gas production than at any point in our history.

    James Inhofe is, quite frankly, an idiot, much like this EPA Regional Administrator.

  2. Oh and discredited? Hardly. Maybe James Inhofe wants it to be discredited, but this story is alive and well.

    Dallas Observer Covers Water Contamination in Parker County this Week.
