Friday, October 2, 2009

Global Cooling

I have decided that I will call this thing that the "Al Gore Forces" are pushing "Global Cooling" because that is what it is. Fortunately for me, I have a low profile so I can share my thoughts with those who want to read my "posts" and I'm safe from attack because: (a) I make sense; and (b) I'm invisible to the AGF (Al Gore Forces).

George Will occasionally holds forth (article attached) on Global Cooling (GC) as he did yesterday when he reacted to a NY Times headline about the frustrations of the AGFs over the fact that global temperatures have "plateaued".

The "difficulty", to quote Will quoting the NY Times, "... is building momentum for carbon reduction when global temperatures have been relatively stable for a decade and may even drop in the next few years." As Will goes on to point out, a "few years" became "...the next decade or so..." later in the article. But wait, it might even be two decades in which temperatures cool according to one scientist.

By asserting that the absence of significant warming since 1998 is a mere "plateau", the Times assures readers who are alarmed about climate change that the paper knows the future and that warming will continue: quoting Will, "Do not despair, bad news will resume."

Will, again quotes the Times quoting "scientists" saying that 11 years of temperature stability has "no bearing" on long term warming. So, " stretches are inevitable". I'm guessing that these "scientists" are secret members of the AGF. According to the Times, "... a short term trend (11 years) gives ammunition to skeptics of climate change."

Back to George Will: "Actually, what makes skeptics skeptical is the accumulating evidence that theories predicting catastrophe from man-made climate change are IMPERVIOUS TO EVIDENCE (my caps)."

It would appear that warnings about cataclysmic warming increase in stridency as evidence of warming becomes more elusive.

It strikes me that the AGFs are very similar to Thomas Malthus whose basic theory was that we would run out of food on the planet. Malthus lived to see that he was wrong because he didn't factor in technological advances. George Friedman's much anticipated new book on "The Next 100 Years" gives us a scientifically feasible scenario on how the world's energy problems will be solved and, as an unintended consequence, global warming as well. It would be interesting to see how the AGFs attack that.


  1. I think Al Gore needs to concentrate on the serious issues involving the global warming on Mars. Over the last 50 years, Mars has warmed more than Earth and continues to warm, unlike Earth.

    Martians have completely abdicated any responsibility concerning all their SUV's and coal burning plants. Martians are claiming that it is solar activity that is the main cause of Martian warming; but you know how sneaky those Martians are. Martians are even claiming they need a thicker protective cover to reflect some of the increased solar radiation to cool the planet.

    Al Gore ... you go get them sneaky Martians!!

  2. ...truly I can say no clearer indictment of Al Gore's work has ever been written.

    Is the sarcasm coming through here? It's tough over text.

  3. Isn't another ice age more likely than perpetual global warming?

    Al Gore just needed something to do after losing the election...

  4. Gore wrote "Earth in the Balance" in 1992. He wrote an editorial in the Washington Post in 1989 talking about climate change, and specifically as a Senator in the 80s brought up the Greenhouse Effect when it was a fairly new idea. This wasn't a 'new' thing for him.

    But yes, I suspect that if any of us ran for President and lost we'd 'need something to do'. I fail to see how that invalidates his work.
