Friday, October 26, 2012

Pointing Toward Prosperity

"One of the best ways to cultivate a possibility mind-set is to prompt yourself to dream one size bigger than you normally do." (John C. Maxwell)

So Paul Krugman tells us in the Times today that Mitt Romney has been barnstorming the country, telling the voters that he has a five-point plan to restore prosperity: "And some voters, alas, seem to believe what he's saying. So, President Obama has now responded with his own plan, a little blue booklet containing 27 policy proposals."

How to these plans stack up? According to Krugman, Mr. Romney's plan is a "sham."  It's just a list of what Romney says he'll do without any policies to back it up: "We will cut the deficit and put America back on track to a balanced budget" but, as Krugman points out, Romney refuses to specify which tax loopholes he will close to offset his $5 trillion in tax cuts.

Here's a quote: "So Mr. Romney is faking it. His real plan seems to be to foster economic recovery through magic, inspiring business confidence through his personal awesomeness."

So, what about President Obama? Krugman: "Where Mr. Romney says he'll achieve energy independence, never mind how, Mr. Obama calls for concrete steps like raising fuel efficiency standards."

I am not a Republican or a Democrat and I keep politics out of my classroom, but my final Krugman quote covers what concerns me: "And you should never forget the broader policy context. Mr. Obama may not have an exciting economic plan, but, if he is re-elected, he will get to implement a health reform that is the biggest improvement in America's safety net since Medicare. Mr. Romney doesn't have an economic plan at all, but he is determined not just to repeal Obamacare but to impose savage cuts in Medicaid. So, never mind all those bullet points. Think instead about the 45 million Americans who either will or won't receive essential health care, depending on who wins on Nov. 6."

I'm hoping we all win on Nov. 6.

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